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Organizer's Welcome Message

Source:  Update:2019-04-24 11:18:03 Author:  Browse:1641

IG CHINA, the only global trade show dedicated to the industrial gases industry, has witnessed its 20 years of hard work and steady growth to be recognized an annual Must-attend event of off-line technical exchanges and trade procurement. Launched since 1999 by AIT Events, IG China supported by both the international and local Chinese industrial associations has been an important engine of driving the industrial gases growth and its applications of all different nations and China.

2018 also has seen the large project deployment of major industries such as coal to liquid, semi-conductors and chemicals intermediate production for plastics, which provided an imperative opportunity for ASU, gases production and supply in both local Chinese and overseas markets. These projects were extended to the cities of North Western China and were provided by the leading gases players like Praxair, Air Liquide, Air Products and Linde.

IG China 2019 will continue to be organized in Hangzhou well-known as A Paradise City on Earth in Zhejiang Province in China on September 19 to 20, 2019. Since the Chinese Economic Reform, a big number of enterprises led by Hangzhou Oxygen Plant have made a huge investment in the technical research and talents in order to create a giant leader both in the sector of ASU and the supporting manufacturing sectors in China. With these efforts done, Hangzhou has turned itself to be the “ASU Center in Asia“ which has facilitated the fast growth of gases industry and its applications in the Yangtze River Delta and its neighboring cities in China.

IG China, a registered trade brand by AIT Events has gone through the evolving changes and growth of the Chinese economy and the industrial gases industry over the past decade and has testified the miracles of this sector. With intellectual efforts in planning, marketing and targeted sales by AIT Events, IG China has expanded from its initial event of 3,000 sq. meters up to 16,000 sq. meters in 2019 with 70 exhibitors in 1999 increasing to anticipated 250 exhibitors in 2019. The rate of overseas trade buyers attending IG China registered from less than 5% increasing to 15%. This proved the improvement of the products quality and innovations provided by the Chinese manufacturers over the past years. Apart from attending the show, more and more buyers also applied to join in the On-site visits to the plants in the nearby cities after the show. Finally, I would like to extend my cordial invitation to you, our distinguished buyers to come to Hangzhou in the coming September at 21st IG China 2019. You are sure to have the tailor-made services of f2f business meeting during your attendance!

Frank XU


AIT Events Co,.Ltd.

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